How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over With Food

How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over With Food – stopscrewingover blog – imageClick on the Pin button to pin a Pinterest optimized image.

Most of the time when we’re about to take positive action for ourselves, we feel self-doubt and like backing away.

Mel Robbins, another TED talk overnight star, is building her entire new career around this simple but critical concept:
We back away from our first positive impulses.
The TED talk that got her famous is “How to stop screwing yourself over

And if you have been binge eating for years…. you probably want to know how to stop screwing yourself over when it comes to food and eating.

It’s too draining, lonely and scary to self-sabotage for a few seconds of munching, chewing, swallowing or gulping… no matter how much it feels nice when you do.

If you have been on my list for the past two months, you know that one key element to changing your relationship with food is changing the way you treat yourself.
Self-care and “need nurturing” are essential elements of my food addiction recovery system.

I have discovered more key elements, and I’ll cover them soon.
But before I do, I want you to get this fun and inspiring routine.

Here’s a fun and simple practice to help you keep going when you hear that voice “I just don’t want to do it” and “it” is something you know is right for you

How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over With Food - What You Practice Grows.Click on the Pin button to pin a Pinterest optimized image.

I want you to pick two to three self-care activities that are going to be fun, uplifting, soothing or inspiring.

These can be as simple as giving yourself a foot massage, going to a concert or create a small old friend catch-up party… whatever you know is likely to give you the most satisfaction, peace, and joy.

Sara, whose cas-study you can access here, picked “doing a manicure” and now she feels pampered every time she looks at her nails. Cool!

BEFORE you do your activity….
I want you to write down.

How you feel before doing them. Rate your stress, frustration, anger, shame levels from 0 to 10 during the past 4 days
How much pleasure and joy do you think you’ll get from them? (from O to 10)
How much overall peace and relief you expect to get from them? (from O to 10)
Any negative thought or emotion you have about doing this activity
How often and intensely you think about food

Within 48 hours AFTER doing your positive activities, I want you to rate

Your stress, frustration, anger, shame levels from 0 to 10
How much pleasure and joy do you got from your self-care activities (from O to 10)
How much overall peace and relief you got from them (from O to 10)
How you feel about doing this activity
How often and intensely you think about food

Simple enough! Right?

This practice has been proven to create enthusiasm for new activities and tested for half a century. It’s simple but very powerful.

Get my ready-made, all-done-for-you, print-ready self-care motivation worksheet. Click on the image below to download it.
Get the Ultimate Motivation Builder for Binge Eaters, Emotional Eaters and Anyone Who Wants to Build a Consistent Self-Care Routine. Use this proven technique to build a consistent self-care practice and find peace with food without struggling. All nicely summarized in a 5-page worksheet. It only takes 5 minutes a week and it works. Grab it now at

One extra free tip for you: Don’t make it more complicated than it is.
If you’re not sure about which number from 0 to 10 to pick, guess!
The first one that comes to mind is right!

After a few weeks, you will have probably discovered that your expectations for a specific activity are quite different from the real experience and results.

That will help you stop slacking on doing things that are good for you and screwing yourself over because you’ll know that the thoughts that go through your head BEFORE you do a self-care activity are not real!

They are just what you got used to telling yourself over the years.

How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over With Food - When You Doubt Self-doubt, You Distance Yourself From It, And It No Longer Controls YouClick on the Pin button to pin a Pinterest optimized image.

By the way, this little practice is part of one of my favorite techniques. I call it “Doubting the Doubt”.

When you doubt your own self-doubt you distance yourself from it and it no longer controls you. This simple exercise can help you do that.

Do you doubt you can practice self-care consistently? Maybe, you want to start with that?

Here is you private access to your personal copy of the self-care motivation builder (PDF)

Now my question to you is what are you going to start with?

It can be something as small as saying something positive about yourself in front of the mirror every morning or getting up 3 minutes earlier everyday so that you can meditate.

Let me know what you’ve decided to start with in the comments below. This will hold you accountable ;).

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