It's Not Your Fault


“I should have enough willpower to stop binge eating.” is another toxic myth that causes needless grief and torment.

Important Remark: If you are a seasoned binge eating warrior regularly alternating between good days and bad days when you find your face in the cookie jar, your life is about to get much easier. So, pay close attention to what's coming next.

Considering the current long-term success rate of diets, we can estimate that about 2% to 5% of the population has enough enduring self-discipline to prevent binge eating using willpower alone.

Also, if your willpower has waned on numerous occasions... there is a fair chance it will probably fail you in the future.

I'm not saying this to judge you in any way. I happily confess to being among those who can't diet without binging.  The slightest thought of dieting makes me obsess on food. 

I would like to consider this though:

If your willpower has been unreliable so far, it's much easier to accept that it probably won't be consistently reliable in the future. 

And if you feel that you should have enough willpower to constantly control yourself, I want you to let that thought go and consider yourself blessed!

Let me explain...

This willpower-alone-is-not-enough principle was developed by a clinical psychologist who studied how people recovered from alcoholism for over 20 years…

He discovered that almost all people who relied solely on willpower to change their behaviors most inevitably failed.

Now, why is that?

“One part of you wants to binge while another one does not. And, the part that wants to binge has the upper hand."

My answer to this question is that this apparent lack of willpower results from internal conflict.

One part of you wants to binge while another one does not. And, the part that wants to binge seems to have a stronger willpower than the one that does not. So, when both get into a fighting argument the part that wants you to binge wins you over...

Fighting food urges is what I call the Fighter approach. And, it is a draining one!


It takes a lot of energy and mindspace away from the most important aspects of your life.

Very few people succeed fighting cravings long-term. And, when they do, it's at the expense of their peace of mind, joy and sometimes relationships.

So, consider it a blessing if eternal self-coercion doesn't seem to be working for you.

And the good news is that you can STOP WANTING FOOD the way you have, you can STOP FOOD CRAVINGS without having to fight them. 

Now you may be thinking: “OK, but if I can’t use willpower to stop binge eating, I don’t see how I can ever break free.” 

And this may be a scary thought.

But if you understand what’s coming next, you’ll see that making peace with food is much easier than you have ever imagined once you know this... so keep on reading.

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