Hey ,

Last week, I introduced three main roles people take when dealing with binge eating recovery.
And, I told you that Thrivers had the greatest chance to be at peace with food.

"Thrivers are driven by one thing.
And, that thing is a vision!
A vision of whom they want to become."

So, I invited you to create your own vision.
And, I promised I would help you with that.

Today, I'll share one crushing mistake people make when creating the vision of their ideal future selves.

That's a mistake you don't want to make because it can generate colossal pain and frustration.
And you've had enough of that already.

//First, lots of hearts, love, and gratefulness to you if you took some of your precious time to write me back last week.
Whether if it was to tell me which topic you would like me to cover in my podcast or to thank me.
That's tremendously helpful to me.
And, it feels so good to know I'm helping you.
It keeps me on fire.
So, many thanks! ?//

Now, there is something very important I need to share with you.

I ask all my future clients to share their ideal future selves with me.

And, many make a self-defeating decision.

The future they envision for themselves is a fantasy.

And worse, most of the time it is not even their fantasy.

It is a duplicate of the fairytales "celebrities" love to sell us on social media.
It's a picture-perfect life...
With retouched photos,
a lot of smiles everywhere, beaches, sun
trimmed abs,
0% fat,
and whatnot.

There is only one problem with that.
It's not real!

These are like social profiles created from people who want you to buy the fairytale story...
"Look at me, I'm pretty. I'm posh. I'm sexy... "
usually because they want to sell you something.

These influencers flash their sexy lifestyles or bodies because they know it makes their followers buy.
These followers are not buying a product.
They are buying a piece of the dreamlife.

And, it seems this system has worked quite well for the Kardashians (and many others).

Now, you may be thinking:
"I know better than this.
This doesn't concern me."
And, cool if it doesn't.

But this was just ONE example of how most of us spend a lifetime seeking APPROVAL and VALIDATION from others and society.

And, this affects all social classes and ages.

So, what is the vision you want to create for your future?
What does peace with food look like to you?
How will you thrive?

If you answered:
"I'll be super skinny, control everything I eat, look fabulous, and never binge and be super confident all the time..."

I would like you to reconsider.
And, there is some vital information I need to share with you right now.

Many fitness athletes and "perfect body club members"
binge in secret.
I know because they call me.
And they tell me what their life really is like.
They are in pain.
They are scared.
Yet, they are hooked on that picture-perfect fairy tale.

I'm not saying that you can't look super fit and thin...
They do.
So it can be done.
But it comes with a hefty cost.
It can mess your mind and body up.
And, it gets harder the older you get.

So, pick your vision wisely.
And make sure it makes YOU happy.
And, make it real.
We can NOT be in control of how we look, feel and what we eat... 100% of the time.

Usually, the first vision we pick is NOT good for us.
It's good for "them"...
It's based on this covert social contract that asks:
"if I look pretty, sexy, successful, wealthy... will you love me? will you accept me?"

We are human.
We are tribal people.
It's in our genes to try to fit in
even if it makes use miserable.

That doesn't mean we don't have a choice.
That doesn't mean we cannot evolve.

We tend to know more about what's important to us as we age.
But some people get stuck in this validation game all of their lives...

So, I guess what I'm saying to you today, dear is:

make this future-self vision of yourself one you can sustain.
one that can make YOU really happy
because you matter to yourself more than anyone else
you know yourself better than anyone else
you will live with yourself the longest
and you deserve to thrive.

I have remained binge-free for two decades by refusing to judge my body or asking it to be perfect.

I decided the entire World was wrong.
And, I would never devalue, put down, misjudge my body even if it had a little extra fat.
I would also discount and refute any negative remark about it or anything implying it would need to be improved.

I still didn't love myself.
I still suffered from low self-esteem (like hell).
I still was an obsessive perfectionist
and had a very imperfect life

But this decision has kept me binge-free for over two decades.
Just a thought :)

So what beliefs, habits, relationships... does your ideal self have?
I can't wait to hear what you have decided.

Much love,


PS: If accepting your body unconditionally seems appealing but impossible at this stage, hang in here. Sometimes, you need to contemplate an idea and let it percolate your mind slowly. That's OK. It's part of the process.

I battled with low self-esteem all my life. But recently, something has changed. It took me a lot of trial and error, contemplation, introspection and guidance to get to where I am now... But it's all worth it. So, be patient with yourself ;). You'll get there. I know.

P.P.S: Just wondering. Did you at any point in this email... think: "Yeah! but if I do that, I'll gain weight"?  If so, maybe you want to decide what you want to do with that thought...  ;)

This email has been lovingly handcrafted by yours truly.

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